Wednesday, 16 May 2018



Course Code
Course Title
Course Structure
Examination Scheme
Internal Assessment
External Jury
External Exam
Course Objectives
To understand the basic principles of structural mechanics so that it forms the basis for study of structure systems.

Learning Objectives
To understand the structural concept, applications feasibilities, scope and limitations of technologically advanced systems and techniques. (No detailed designs mathematical calculations or derivation of formulae are needed.)

Course Contents

Unit 1: Structure Systems
Vertical Structure System
Structures requiring a system of mechanical vertical transportation for various infrastructure as well as personnel movement
1.      Systems Of Load transmission
2.      Systems for Plan and Elevation
3.      System for redirection of wind forces

Unit 2: Materials and Properties
New Age Materials
1.      Carbon Fiber
2.      Silicone and glass reinforced members
3.      Composite High Strength Materials

1.      Properties Of Glass
2.      Types of Glass.
3.      Fixing & Joints in glass.
4.      Use of glass in Structures

Unit 3: Design of Large Span Structures
·        Large span systems: Characteristics of large span structural systems. Steel roof trusses as large span systems: Introduction to SP: 38: Design Handbook for Design of Structures with steel roof trusses.
·        Shells: General understanding of shell behavior, Shell terminology, Historical perspective, thick shell thin sell, membrane stresses in thin shells, Types of shells; Cylindrical, Conical, Spherical shells. RCC and steel domes, Geodesic domes. Hyperbolic paraboloid shells, Use of shell structures in Industrial structures and overhead water tanks. Modern day use of shell structures.
·        Folded Plates: General understanding of folded plate, Different shapes of Examples of modern day use.
·        Tensile Structures : Principles of tensile structures, understanding general structural behaviour of tension systems, calculating sag and cross sectional area of cables, cable suspended and cabled-stayed structure, examples of modern day use.
·        High Rise Buildings: High Rise: Principles of high rise structures, different structural systems for high rise buildings, Shear wall systems, Tube systems, advantages and disadvantages of each, analysis of multistory frame for wind load, examples of modern day use.

Unit 4: Prestessed and Prefabricated Structures
·        Pre-stressed Concrete : Difference between PSC and RCC, Materials used in PSC, Principles of Pre-stressing, Pre Tensioning and Post tensioning, Axial and eccentric pre-stressing, bending of cables, anchoring devices, losses in pre-stress force, Modern day use of PSC in buildings, bridges, Flyovers and Metro construction.
·         Prefabrication in RCC: Merits and demerits of Prefab construction compared to in situ construction.
·        Methods of prefab construction. Modern day use in Prefab housing and other fields.

Unit 5: Design of  Space Frames/High Rise/Tensile Strcutures
·        Space Frames: General understanding of structure of space frame, space structures against plane structures, examples of modern day use.

·        High Rise: Principles of high rise structures, different structural systems for high rise buildings, advantages and disadvantages of each, analysis of multistory frame for wind load, examples of modern day use.

·        Tensile Structures: Principles of tensile structures, understanding general structural behavior of tension systems, calculating sag and cross sectional area of cables, cable suspended and cabled-stayed structure, examples of modern day use. Introduction to Pre-stressing: Principles of Pre-stressing, Pre and Post tensioning, approximate calculations of pre-stressing force, examples of modern day use Prefab and Industrial structures.

·        The lectures by the experts in the field will be arranged for the students so as to give them exposure to the practical aspects construction materials and how they combine to cover space.
·        The emphasis should be given to actual working on materials, making of models and studying their behavior under forces / loads.
·        To prepare the students to use their data/knowledge gained in the subject for practical application.
·        Groups of four to five students should be formed to study the behavior of a materials and their use and to prepare the report on the same.
·        The students should preferably be made to co-ordinate the fabrication of models to demonstrate the behavior of materials and how different components of   structure combine to cover space.

Assessment Scheme

35 (2 Assignments Maximum)


Instructions for Paper Setting:

Maximum Marks 50                                                                          Time Allowed: 3 Hrs
The question paper will comprise of five Sections each covering each unit. 
Each Section will have internal choice.
All questions Carry equal marks.

·        Eangel, Structure Systems
·        Building Construction Illustrated, by F.D.K. Ching
·        Building Structures Illustrated: Patterns, Systems, and Design, by F.D.K. Ching
·        IS: 875 (Parts 1 to 5), IS: 1893. IS: 13920, IS: 4326, IS: 456, SP: 34. NBC IS: 456, SP: 16, SP: 34, SP: 38, IS: 800 IS: 875 (Parts 1 to 5), IS: 1893. IS: 13920, IS: 4326, IS: 456, SP:
·        Arya, AS (2009) Masonry and Timber structures including earthquake resistant design.Nem Chand and Brothers, Delhi.
·        Heller R & Mario S (1963) Structures in Architecture: The Building of Buildings, Prentice Hall Inc.
·        Krishnaraju N (2004) Advanced RCC Design, University Press Pvt. Ltd.
·        Structural Systems for Tall Buildings; Council of Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat; Mcgraw - Hill International Edition, 1995.
·        Ramamurtham, S (2010) Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures. Dhanpat Rai Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
·        Khurmi, RS (2011) Theory of Structures. S. Chand, Delhi.
·        Aggarwal, P & Shrikhande, M. (eds.) (2006) Earthquake Resistant Design of structures. Prentice Hall of India, India.



Course Code
Course Title
Course Structure
Examination Scheme
Internal Assessment
External Jury
External Exam

Course Objectives
·        To understand the basic principles of structural mechanics so that it forms the basis for study of structure systems.

Learning Objectives
·        To understand the structural concept, applications feasibilities, scope and limitations of structures to resist different types of loads. (No detailed designs mathematical calculations or derivation of formulae are needed.)

Course Contents:
Unit 1: Structure Systems:

Surface Active Structure System
Structure acting mainly through surface continuity or structure systems in surface stress condition
1.      Surfaces & Curvatures
2.      Prismatic & Pyramidal Folded Structure Systems
3.      Singly Curved Shell Systems
4.      Rotational Shell Systems
5.      Anticlastic Shell Systems

Unit 2: Materials and Their Properties
High Strength Concrete, Precast & Pre-stressed Members
1.      Types Of High Strength Concrete
2.      Design, Manufacturing and erection Of Pre cast & Pre-stressed members

Unit 3: Analysis of Structures

Introduction to Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering:
Classification of Soils for Engineering purposes and their characteristics, Soil Investigations : Concept, need, and methods of soil testing, Field and laboratory testing. Plate load and Standard Penetration Tests, Soil Test reports, information available in a soil test report. Concept of ultimate and safe bearing capacity of soils and their determination Foundation Systems : Types & feasibility criteria. Isolated, Combined, Raft and Pile foundations. (Detailed design calculations not required). Foundations for treacherous soils like black cotton soils and filled up soils, under reamed pile foundations and their applications for black cotton soils and filled up soils. Retaining walls: RCC & Masonry retaining walls. Cantilever and counter fort retaining walls, structural components and principles of design ( No detailed design required). Basement walls. Earth pressure on retaining walls; calculations for Active and passive earth pressures with and without surcharge on retaining walls with vertical faces, ( Calculations for stability of retaining walls and design of base of retaining walls not required).

Loading assessment:
Various loads on buildings
·        Design load codes applicable in India: IS: 875 and IS: 1893.
·        Preview of Dead loads & Live loads as per IS: 875-Parts 1 and 2.
·        Calculation of DL+LL in a building. Load intensity on a slab, loads on supporting beams, columns and foundations.
·        Introduction to Horizontal loads on buildings. General characteristics of horizontal loads.
·        Introduction to Wind Loads, relation between wind speed and wind pressure, factors affecting wind pressure on a building.
·        Introduction to IS:875- Part 3; Wind zones of India, Basic wind speeds and wind pressures for different wind zones. Calculation of wind loads for a simple building. Earth quake loads:
·        Basic concepts, Causes of earthquakes, plate tectonics, earth quake regions of the world, earthquake terminology viz magnitude, intensity, epicentre, magnitude and intensity scales.
·        Prediction and probability of earthquakes. Some past earthquakes of India and the world.
·        Introduction to IS:1893- 2002; Seismic zones of India seismic zone factors, Calculation of
·        Earthquake loads on a simple building and its distribution along height of the building.

Unit 4: Analysis of Structures
Deflections: causes, demerits of large deflections in beams and slabs, permissible limits of deflections, methods to control deflections. deflected shapes of beams under loading, calculations for deflections for simply supported and cantilever beams for simple cases of udl, and point loads. Fixed beams: Fixed end moments under udl and point loads, BMD and SFD for a fixed beam under simple cases of udl and point loads. Sinking of supports; FEMs developed in fixed beam due to sinking of supports. Differential settlement of foundations, causes, prevention measures. Analysis of continuous beams and simple portals for vertical loads by method of Moment distribution (Non sway and simple cases only). Analysis of Simple portal frames for horizontal loads by Portal Method. Introduction to Computer Analysis of building frames. Merits of computer methods of analysis and design compared to manual methods. Introduction to STADDPRO software; generation of Input files and interpretation of output results for simple building frames and portal frames (simple cases only).

Unit 5: Introduction TO Earthquake RESISTANT DESIGN AND Detailing OF Rcc Building FRAMES:
Horizontal support systems (Floor systems) and Vertical support systems (Columns and walls). Floor systems; various types: Following floor systems to be studied under the subheads: salient features and structural components, structural behaviour a basic principles of structural design, preliminary sizing to fix up the system, merits, demerits applications and modern day use and applications. (No detailed designs required).;
Beam and Slab systems, Waffle slab systems, Flat slab and Flat Plate systems, Grid floors. High Rise buildings: Forces on a high rise building, Effects of horizontal loads in a high rise building. Shear walls; functions, types, Frames acting Along with Shear walls. Principles and desirable features for planning and design of shear walls in a building. Design and detailing of continuous RCC beams and slabs: Concept of moment design and detailing of continuous beams using approximate design coefficients as per IS: 456 and Design aids SP: 16 and SP: 34. Simplified detailing of RCC continuous Beams and slabs as per SP 34. (Design and detailing of equal span continuous beams upto three span under udl and equal panel continuous slabs to be illustrated to explain the principles of design and detailing. Complex cases with unequal spans/unequal loading not included) Earthquake Resistant Design of buildings: Introduction to Indian standards on Earthquake resistant design and construction of buildings viz IS:1893, IS: 13920 and IS: 4326). Desirable features in a building for good earthquake performance viz lightness, symmetrical layout and ductility. Ductility detailing of RCC building frames as per IS: 13920. Earthquake resistant design and construction of Masonry buildings as per IS: 4326. Modern trends in Earthquake resistant design; Base isolation and energy dissipation techniques. Study of performance of buildings during some recent earthquakes and lessons learnt (Example – Bhuj earthquake).

·        The lectures by the experts in the field will be arranged for the students so as to give them exposure to the practical aspects construction materials and how they combine to cover space.
·        The emphasis should be given to actual working on materials, making of models and studying their behavior under forces / loads.
·        To prepare the students to use their data/knowledge gained in the subject for practical application.
·        Groups of four to five students should be formed to study the behavior of a materials and their use and to prepare the report on the same.
·        The students should preferably be made to co-ordinate the fabrication of models to demonstrate the behavior of materials and how different components of   structure combine to cover space.

Assessment Scheme

35 (2 Assignments Maximum)


Instructions for Paper Setting:

Maximum Marks 50                                                                          Time Allowed: 3 Hrs
The question paper will comprise of five Sections each covering each unit. 
Each Section will have internal choice.
All questions Carry equal marks.

·        Eangel, Structure Systems
  • . IS: 875 (Parts 1 to 5), IS: 1893. IS: 13920, IS: 4326, IS: 456, SP: 34. NBC
  • Arya, AS (2009) Masonry and Timber structures including earthquake resistant design.
New Chand and Brothers, Delhi.
·        Building Construction Illustrated, by F.D.K. Ching
·        Building Structures Illustrated: Patterns, Systems, and Design, by F.D.K.
·        IS: 875 (Parts 1 to 5), IS: 1893. IS: 13920, IS: 4326, IS: 456, SP: 34. NBC IS: 456, SP: 16, SP: 34, SP: 38, IS: 800 IS: 875 (Parts 1 to 5), IS: 1893. IS: 13920, IS: 4326, IS: 456, SP:
·        Ramamurtham, S (2010) Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures. Dhanpat Rai Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
·        Khurmi, RS (2011) Theory of Structures. S. Chand, Delhi.
·        Aggarwal, P & Shrikhande, M. (eds.) (2006) Earthquake Resistant Design of structures. Prentice Hall of India, India.



Course Code
Course Title
Course Structure
Examination Scheme
Internal Assessment
External Jury
External Exam

Course Objectives
  • To understand the basic principles of structural mechanics so that it forms the basis for study of structure systems.
Learning Objectives
To understand the structural concept, applications feasibilities, scope and limitations of RCC and Steel Structures. (No detailed designs mathematical calculations or derivation of formulae are needed.)

Unit 1 Introduction To Building Codes And Standards
  1. National Building Code SP7
  2. Codes and Standards for building materials
  3. Codes for Concrete and Steel construction
  4. Codes for loads acting on Buildings
  5. Steel Tables

Unit 2 Structure Systems
Vector Active Structure System
Structure acting mainly through composition of compression and tension members in coactive compression and tension 
1.      Triangulation
2.      Trusses (Plane & Vierendeel Truss)
3.      Curved Truss Systems
4.      Space Frames
5.      Geodesic Domes

Unit 3 Materials And Their Properties
1.      Types of Concrete.
2.      Different types Of Concrete (RCC & PCC).
3.      Structural Members in Concrete Structures.
4.      Types of Concrete Structures.

Precast & Prefabricated Concrete Structures
1.      Precast Concrete structures
2.      Pre-stressed Concrete Structures
3.      Construction techniques of Precast & Pre-stressed Concrete Structures
4.      Use of Pre cast & Pre-stressed Concrete Structures

  1. Types Of Steel members
  2. Structural Members used in Steel Structures
  3. Types Of Steel Structures

Unit 4 Structure Design Of Concrete And RCC Structures
RCC Design: Behaviour of heterogeneous materials in Direct Force & Bending.

Methods of RCC Design: Present trends in RCC design. Concepts of Working stress Method (WSD), Ultimate Load Method (ULM) and Limit State Methods (LSM) of RCC design. Idea of Neutral Axis, Compression zone, Tension zone, Lever arm and Moment of Resistance of an RC design. Basic assumptions in RCC design.
(Only LSM of RCC design to be dealt using Fe 415 grade steel reinforcement. Working Stress
Method of Design and Mild steel of Fe250 grade are obsolete in use and will NOT be dealt).

General Principles of Limit State Method of Design:
Concept of Limit States and load factors in LSM of RCC design.

Design of RCC Members:
Design & Detailing of following RCC elements using Design Tables of SP-16 (No formula to be derived. Use of charts and tables of SP16 to be adopted to avoid memorization of formulae. Students must learn procedure and applications rather than formulae and derivations.
  • Tables/charts/handbooks/IS codes also to be supplied in exams).
  • Singly Reinforced simply supported Beam Sections under udl.
  • Doubly reinforced simply supported beam sections under udl.
  • One way simply supported rectangular/square RCC slabs.
  • Two ways simply supported rectangular/square RCC slabs.
  • Axially loaded RCC columns (Rectangular, square and circular sections with or without helical      reinforcement). Tie reinforcement in RCC columns.
  • Isolated square footings for axially loaded RCC columns (Footings to be designed for only bending, calculations for beam and punching shear NOT included). Option to provide tapered footing or footing of uniform depth to be given in exams).
  • Design for shear reinforcement for beams using design tables of SP16 (Only Stirrup shears reinforcement to be covered in design. Calculations for bent up bars as shear reinforcement NOT covered).
Note: At second year level, only design for vertical loads as per IS 456-2000 requirements to
be covered only for simply supported slabs and beams. Design and detailing for continuous
Beams and slabs and for Earthquake resistant design including ductility requirements as per
IS: 1893-2002 and IS: 13920-1993 are to be covered in 3rd year, when earthquake loading as
per 1893-2002 and IS: 13920 are also dealt

Unit 5 Design Of Steel Structures
Introduction: Merits, demerits and application of steel in structures. Structural properties and allowable stresses. Standard Rolled Steel sections, their designations and applications, Introduction to steel tables.

Theories of Design: Working stress and Limit State Methods of Design, basic concepts, merits and limitations of each method, present trends in design, Note: Keeping in view the present trends in design, Teaching is proposed to cover primarily Limit State Method of Design as per the recommendations of IS: 800 (latest version).

Connections in Steel structures: Riveted, welded and bolted connections. Merits of welded connections over riveted connections. Present trends. Modes of failure of riveted and welded connections. Design of simple riveted and welded connections.

Design of Steel compression members: Effect of buckling, concepts of slenderness ratios and effective lengths of steel compression members. Allowable stresses in steel compression members. Use of Tables for slenderness ratio vs allowable stress in compression in steel. Concepts of built up steel column sections, and lacings without design calculations.

Steel tension members: Single angle and double angle tension members. (Simple cases).

Design of Steel Beams: Simple design of steel beams using M/Z concept. Concept of built up steel beam sections and plate girders without design calculations.

Steel Roof Trusses: Functions, merits and applications of steel trusses. Terminology and structural components. Design of members (No analysis). Introduction to SP38: Handbook on steel roof trusses and its use in systems with steel roof trusses.

Note: All tables, handbooks, and formulae to be supplied in exams. Only application to be expected from students.
·        The lectures by the experts in the field will be arranged for the students so as to give them exposure to the practical aspects construction materials and how they combine to cover space.
·        The emphasis should be given to actual working on materials, making of models and studying their behavior under forces / loads.
·        To prepare the students to use their data/knowledge gained in the subject for practical application.
·        Groups of four to five students should be formed to study the behavior of a materials and their use and to prepare the report on the same.
·        The students should preferably be made to co-ordinate the fabrication of models to demonstrate the behavior of materials and how different components of   structure combine to cover space.
 Assessment Scheme
35 (2 Assignments Maximum)


Instructions for Paper Setting:
Maximum Marks 50                                                                          Time Allowed: 3 Hrs
The question paper will comprise of five Sections each covering each unit. 
Each Section will have internal choice.
All questions Carry equal marks.
·        Eangel, Structure Systems
  • . IS: 875 (Parts 1 to 5), IS: 1893. IS: 13920, IS: 4326, IS: 456, SP: 34. NBC
  • Arya, AS (2009) Masonry and Timber structures including earthquake resistant design.
New Chand and Brothers, Delhi.
·        Building Construction Illustrated, by F.D.K. Ching
·        Building Structures Illustrated: Patterns, Systems, and Design, by F.D.K. Ching